Element Module
cadwork offers the user a parametric solution for your panelized walls, floors and roofs. Based on your details, cadwork will automatically "populateā your panels with just one click, saving you a tremendous amount of time.
Automated Modelling
The level of prefabrication of wall, floor and roof panels has increased significantly in recent years, which as well lead to the cadwork Element module becoming more popular. The element module makes a significant contribution to increasing efficiency in 3D modelling and detailing of framed walls, floor and roof panels including optional addition of cladding and lining. The cadwork element module automatically frames wall, floor and roof systems in the construction typologies of panelized homes and light-framed construction. It can also deal with log construction, CLT/SIP, solid construction and similar systems as well as hybrid construction. There are practically no limits to individuality and the level of detailing with the cadwork element module.
Build Your Own Details
The cadwork Element module is completely integrated into cadwork 3D. The fascinating thing is that you simply construct all your details in 3D exactly as they will later be built. The usual limitations of dialog-based systems are completely eliminated. The Element module takes over the 3D modelling of complete walls, roof and ceiling systems for you based on the situation details you have designed uniquely. The number of individual layers and materials is unlimited. Company-specific connections, window and door openings and fasteners can be stored and included in the detail library. The library of your standard details is available to all of the company's designers for quick and consistent 3d modelling of panel prefab construction projects.

Based on Simple Calculation Properties
The individual components in each detail receive calculation properties for the element module calculation. These include, for example, information about the fixed or maximum distribution distance and in which direction (horizontal or vertical) components should be distributed. Other properties control the automatic adjustment to the size and geometry of the wall, roof and floor rough volume. Other calculation properties control the intersection with other components during element module calculation.
Speed Up Your Modelling
You can use architectural plans imported via standard interfaces such as dwg, rough volumes imported from architect's 3D model via IFC or Revit interface as examples or create the rough volumes directly in cadwork as the basis for Element module calculation. The result of the element module calculation is a finished and production ready 3D model. With all the known functionalities of cadwork 3D, special components or specific detail points can be reworked and supplemented without restrictions, if required. The list output, export of automatically dimensioned and formatted wall drawings, the data output to precut components on CNC machines, assemble the structure on the Framing stations and apply and cut additional layers on multi functions bridges occur automatically. See List and Wall Shop drawing modules as well as Machine interfaces for more details.