Point Cloud
Pointcloud allows to import images by point clouds.
You may be aware of the capabilities cadwork has to create a 3d model from scratch, or even how we can import & integrate another file with BIM . But what about existing buildings? The scanner and photogrammetry technologies are capable of capturing several million points with extreme precision. This is what the Poincloud module offers you.
The cadwork design engine is one of the most powerful of the market, thanks to its display technology coupled to a dynamic LOD system according to the zoom, the software allows you to exploit the millions of points of a * .las file manually. The clipping box allows you to focus on the areas that interest you at the moment. The triangulation tools will allow you to regenerate the surfaces on which your design will be based. Did you know ? A parallelepipedic element generates 6 minium surfaces, i.e. 8 points by counting the points of neutral axes. A standard wood frame house has an average of 10,000 points in the design phase. When going into production, the number of points will be increased tenfold. A point cloud of good quality for such a house will easily reach 2 million points.