Rhino/Grasshopper Interface
When the best of both worlds meet, perspective are mind-blowing. Fabrication of complex parametric models is now.
Rhino Import/Export
The architectural model has to be fabricated? No worries, the Rhino interface module will enable to import native Rhino .3dm file including relevant attributes attached to your model. Once loaded in cadwork 3D, the model can be completed accurately and exported to a CNC machine using our well-proven pattern recognition algorithm. A cadwork 3D model can also be exported as a .3dm file to integrate a wooden structure in a Rhino model.
Rhino.Inside cadwork/Grasshopper Integration
Parametric modelling using graphics programming is now available in the cadwork 3D module thanks to Grasshopper. Our live link with Grasshopper enables to edit parameters on the fly. Your steel post supports have to be adjusted with the angle of hundreds of posts? No problem, each angle can be different and the supports will fit in real time.