Shop Drawing Export
Your solution to create highly sophisticated shop drawings at the push of a button. Exporting customizable and dimensioned drawings from the 3D model has never been so easy.
Multiple Export Types
The cadwork Shop Drawing export allows you to generate 2D drawings from the 3D model quickly and automatically but still very individual and customizable. The Shop Drawing export is a suite of different 2D drawing exports covering Piece-by-piece drawings, Export solid and Container drawings, Wall’s shop drawings and various 2D clipboards directly from the 3D model. The appearance and content of each drawing export is controlled via an export-specific configuration dialog and freely customizable 2D layout files. Once drawing is exported from cadwork 3D, it will be pasted into cadwork 2D, in which drawings can be freely arranged, customized if required and printed/exported.
Piece-by-Piece Export
Piece-by-piece shop drawing generates an individual drawing of each component in the 3D model, according to its production number. There is an automatic check making sure that you assigned production numbers properly before exporting. Automatic dimensions can be added, which might be used for manual fabrication or approval/quality control process. Sheet formats, scales, title blocks, visible attributes, standard views, shortened representations, grain direction symbols, markings , QR codes, etc., can be customized and saved as standard settings and linked to the various process types. Once drawings are pasted in 2D, they can be customized if required, means adding additional dimensions, annotations, magnified views, etc.

Multiple Preset Views and Sections
Export solid and Container drawings require an additional element with the same name in the 3D model, which pretty much allows assignment of individual components to either the Export Solid or Container. In general Export Solids are used for an overall export of a building or structure, a good example is a set of architectural drawings containing plan views, sections and elevations, whereas containers are used for export of assemblies such as steel brackets, etc. Container can be quantified and used as 3D design tools and are a very powerful tool. To both export elements views and sections can be assigned, lists can be included in exports as well as a visibility filter applied to highlight and clarify certain view/sections as part of the entire drawing.
Wall Export
Wall shop drawing export might be a bit misleading as this export as well as covers floor and roof elements. The architectural element type can be framed as an example a roof cassettes, Solid which would cover CLT floors or Log Wall to generate drawings for a traditional log cabin wall. Depending on the element type the configuration dialog varies slightly, but for all element types here the automatic and customizable dimensioning is available. The drawing can be as well split up into structure, modules and individual layers on reference and non-reference side and freely placed in your output format in the layout file. Each page can be complimented with a components list, axonometric view, location plan, OR code, etc.
Manual Export
If none of the above shop, drawing exports is suitable for your drawing needs a clipboard from any 3D view can be brought over to cadwork 2D. Exports with and without layouts/title blocks are available. Once pasted in cadwork 2D, exports can be complimented with anything available in 2D or from the custom library, which means adding dimensions, annotations, magnified views to highlight details in different scales, combine drawing with any of the above exports, add images or PDF, etc.